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Blue Lake

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MG 2690rotoof20 Southern Upper Blue Lake & The Narrows Resort MG 2692croof50 An unusual boat for a lake with a 10 mph speed limit. MG 2694croof30 First of many gaggles of Señoritas - and a voyeur? MG 2704croofm Waterfight! And look what's happening with the couple on the bottom! MG 2707croof40m The young of another species. MG 2708croof20 Fooled me. Looked like she was going to dive in stride, stopped at the edge for a static dive. MG 2709croof30 Look, she came back up. MG 2710croof20 On your marks, get set . . . MG 2711croof20 Jump! MG 2712croof20 Late to the jumping party. MG 2713croof40 Señoritas gathering. MG 2716croof40 More arrive. Boy suggests other boy shoot the Señoritas, not him. MG 2717croof20 Who will challenge us? MG 2718croof10 Battle joined! MG 2719croof20 And the winners are. MG 2720croof50 OK, I like many angles on Señoritas. «/;-) MG 2721oof50 Adjustment needed. MG 2723croof30 Two excellent angles! MG 2724croof20 Señoritas gathering on the float, and a guy swimming up. MG 2726rotcroof20 He's arrived, only to find himself stranded on a local Isla de Las Mujeres. MG 2727rotcroof20 Oh no, a new arival has invaded his corner! MG 2728rotcroof20 Oh, I see, she's with him. MG 2730croof20 And here are their three kids. MG 2732croof20 And they are leaving. MG 2733croof20 Stylish exit. MG 2734croof20 Kids heading after mom and dad. Will the little one make the boat? MG 2735croof20 Aaah, he did. MG 2736croof20 Look out for this one. She's a pistol, always on the move, stirring things up. MG 2737croof20 She's fooled big sister into jumping into the water together. Not! MG 2738croof20 No remorse. MG 2739croof20 Ready to take her medicine. MG 2741croof20 Nope, big sis didn't push her in, but she's pissed. MG 2742croof20 Big sis keeps watch on the shark in the water. MG 2744croof10 All forgiven. And we find out about little sis's bum. MG 2745oof30 How did an old fart from the Oly list sail in here? MG 2746croof20 The sisters return. Some guy and a new Señorita appear. MG 2747croof20 A big jump for big sis. MG 2749croof20 A new contender for whitest legs - and for other things - appears. MG 2754 Reflected dusk light. Notice the rapid color changes in the next two images. MG 2757cr Paddling home to roost. MG 2764 The light from the setting sun has changed.

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1825 times
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